Hey All :)
So, apparently the last time I posted on this thing was coming up on four months ago! For that....I say I told you so ;) It has been crazy around here; the first semester of second year finished up, Chirstmas and New Years came and went and I managed to procrastinate on every reading assignment I was supposed to to over the break :P All that to say, school is beginning again for me tomorrow and I have been thinking as of late that it is time for me to make some changes in my life.
I have talked a bit before about fear and how it can hold me back from a lot of things in life; emotionally, relationally, spiritually, sometimes even physically. And while the fear is still an aspect of my life that I have to struggle with, I would like to bring forth a new topic....a fresh perspective if you will. I would like to discuss with you the New Years Resolution.
I never stick to them :P Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I know that I'm going to fail somewhere a long the way, so my New Years resolutions tend to get less and less gutsy as the years go on. However, I have been thinking a lot about starting anew, fresh and how that does not by any means have to be confined to the first of January. Now, most people would agree with me on that, but our reasonings might differ slightly. But, I would like to share with you my reason that I have the ability to get up each morning, and say today is new and I can start again.
I don't know what you believe, and depending on who is reading this, you could find this next bit to be a bunch of baloney....but I believe it with every part of me. I serve a God of second and third and forty-fifth chances, a God who loves me unconditionally, who created me and who calls me His daughter. Every morning, I can wake up and give my day to Him. I can place every struggle, fear, worry...everything, at His feet and He invites me to do that.....isn't that insane! :)
I believe I've mentioned it before, but I was reading a book recently called Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence, and it talks about being in constant conversation with God. In one section, he touches on the issue of becoming discouraged when you are trying to stay in conversation with God but your mind wanders, you get busy, etc. He talks about how every second can be a new beginning. How, when you find your mind wandering, you can simply pull yourself back, ask for forgiveness and strength and start again. So, that would be my prayer for you this new year, and for myself as well. That we would wake up every morning, giving our day to Him. And that we would treat every day....maybe even every second, as New Years Day and strive to grow closer to the One who transends time. Talk to 'yall later :)
Lots of Love
God Bless
Meaghan :)