Hey there :)
So, I've had the itch to write a little bit more lately, maybe I'm just in need of the outlet :) Today is a blustery fall day, there's a chill in the air and the promise of some rain this afternoon. Today is my day off (from school at least) so I'm sitting at the kitchen table...doing homework :P Yes, there is something wrong with that picture!
Regardless, I have quite the wonderful view out of the window from where I'm sitting. There is tree in our front yard who's leaves have turned the most beautiful golden orange color and it's making me smile. This is my favourite seasons and I love watching and waiting, seeing all the leaves changing into the most beautiful colors.
As I look out the window, I can see the small leaves of our front yard tree falling, almost as if one by one, leaving the lawn sprinkled with little specks of gold. It's beautiful. It's His creation. And I don't notice it enough. The beauty is all around me, all the time, but it's as if as the autumn season begins my eyes begin to open just that little bit more to the beauty of His Hands.
So, take a walk today. Maybe you've needed the chance to get away for awhile, it's been a stressful week and you just need some time to think and pray. Maybe it's been the best week of your life, and the prayers that you're singing are ones of thanksgiving as you walk. Or maybe, like me, you just need a reminder. You need to open your eyes just that little bit wider, look around and discover all of the amazing beauty around you. And don't ever forget, that the God of the universe, who made all that autumn beauty around you, also made you...and you are so incredibly precious to Him <3
I hope you have a wonderfully beautiful and blustery autumn day! :)
Lots of Love
God Bless
Meaghan :)