Hey there :)
So, it has been ages since I have written here, so I thought I would give you a bit of a life update. School is coming to a close for this year, which will see the end of my second year of university :) I am looking forward to it being finished for sure. This year has been one of those "required" years where school is concerned. A lot of manditory courses, but ones that will help me in upper years for sure. I look forward to next year with much excitement though :) I have the opportunity to take a specialised Autism course, disabilities courses, a sign language class, as well as the possibility for a teaching assistant position for a first year class :) Oh, so in case I haven't talked about this yet, my career path has changed a bit. Where I started out wanting to be a french teacher (I don't know what I was thinking :P), then was thinking about teaching in a special needs classroom, I am now hoping to pursue a career in occupational therapy :) It will mean a couple more years of schooling than I had origionally thought, but it will be so worth it :) I can't explain how amazing to know that God has opened my eyes to this, that he has given me a passion and a purpose to work with these kids. I went from pretty much wandering aimlessly in my first year, just getting through, to grabbing hold of this passion this year and running with it :)
Which leads me to my super cool exciting summer plans......Camp Daniel! :) It is a camp in the states, specifically for children and adults with disabilities and it is looking like I will be counceling there this coming July and August :) This, again, was one of those "God moments". I had e-mailed the camp director saying that I would love to come and councel for as many weeks as I could but....and then I gave a list of all the reasons why I thought it probably wouldn't work; I wouldn't be able to get there until a day before camp started, I didn't have a ride to and from the airport, I didn't really have any formal training, I was unsure about flights....I'm good at that, making excuses. But, God is bigger than my excuses (thank goodness!). The first line of the e-mail I received back was, "I want you to know that we will do everything we can to make this work for you"....and then she went on the slash all my excuses in half....every single one! :) So, all that to say, God is good, and I am super excited for what this summer has in store for me :)
I have been thinking a lot about listening for God and following Him in the day to day. I just finished reading a blog that almost made me cry, that got me thinking about it even more. If you have a second check it out (search kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com). She is a young woman in her mid 20's who lives in Uganda and has adopted upwards of 11 children (I can't remember the exact number, sorry :( ). Her blog speaks of her constant reliance on God for necessities, but also for strength, emotional needs....everything. She gave up everything for His calling on her life. Love shines through every paragraph she writes....love for God and love for her children....and I cry because it is humbling...I cry because I have so much and yet I trust God with so little...I cry because I let the busyness of life crowd Him out and then I wonder why I feel so dry...I cry because there are so many out there who need His love and I am falling short...but I cry with hope....Father, awaken my heart, don't let me turn a blind eye to those children, to those that you have placed on my heart....
~now that I have seen,
I am responsible
Faith without deeds is dead
now that I have held you in my own arms,
I cannot let go~
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline".
~1 Timothy 2:17~