Hello again :)
Today has been a good day. My fridays consist of a 9am class and then work until 4, which was good. I have to be careful not to just simply go through the motions of my day, to tune out the small things, creation, God's voice. I was walking to school this morning with the sun rising in front of me....it was so beautiful. The God who created me created that....so amazing! :)
So, the other pretty awesome part of my day was a prayer meeting that happened in my living room this evening. As a bit of a backstory, I am a part of a bible study that meets every Sunday night. A lot of us went to highschool together, and it's a pretty great group to be a part of :) So, we had been talking a lot about prayer lately and as a group decided that we wanted to have one day out of the week, aside from Sunday where we got together and just pray. So that what we did tonight, and it was so good :) It wound up just being three of us who could make it but we just sat together and talked to God with whatever was on our hearts. I really do hope that it is something that we will continue on a weekly basis. Hopefully with school finishing soon, people's schedules will be a bit less crazy and more people can come, but even with just three it was such a good time of quiet and reflection.
Well, that's about it for now :) This was a short one but I really wanted to share about tonight. Plus, I have to work tomorrow, so sleep needs to happen fairly soon :P I'll catch up with you later :)
Lots of Love
Lots of Love
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