Hello there :)
So, here we are again, getting closer and closer to when school begins, buying all of the annual supplies, trying (and in my case, failing), to some what regulate our sleeping patterns once again so that we can wake up at 6 am to catch the bus, but still be vertical by 10:30 :P I'm actually looking forward to school quite a bit this year. The majority of the classes that I'm taking I'm actually interested in, and it will be nice to fall into somewhat of a routine again.
I got to think about high school a bit this week too. My brother will be starting grade 9 this year (which still seems crazy to me :P), and my youngest sister will be in grade 11. But the thing that realy got me thinking about highschool this week was something that I got to do, something that I had been waiting to do for 5 years...I got to open a letter :)
In my 10th grade english class, my teacher made us each write a letter to ourselves in the future. It wasn't really for any kind of grade, I think we even got the marks just for completing it. The teacher asked us to write the letter, seal it in an envelope and then write on the back when we would be allowed to open it. She then collected all of the letters and distributed them on the last day of class for us to keep.
I opened my letter to find it riddled with questions. In fact, that was pretty much all that it was, from the silly questions about whether or not I still had a crush on the same boy to questions about family, health and future plans. Alot of it made me laugh, some of it made me cry. But one thing stood out to me more than anything else...so much of what I was struggling with 5 years ago, I am still struggling with now. I asked about my faith journey, my relationship with God, and if I still procrastinated like crazy. I asked about my relationship with my family, especially my siblings, and talked about how important that was. It really made me stop and think.
I have done a lot of 'looking back' this year, seeing where God has taken me, how He's been working on my heart and in my life. I see how He has been continuing His work in me and how He's been shaping me from the 15 year old girl in a grade 10 english class, to growing closer to woman that He wants me to become. I am blown away by the changes that I've seen, but I am also mindful of what still needs to be changed and worked on. I still have a long way to go.
But if I've learned nothing else this summer it's that I don't have to do it on my own. To think for a second that I got to where I am today on my own strength is a lie, and I need to remember to wake up each morning and surrender the day to Him. When I'm weak, then I'm strong, because God is strong, and He is working in me to shine through my weaknesses so I can give Him glory.
All that from a silly letter :) Never underestimate the things that God will use to show you about your life and make you examine your heart just a little bit closer. Maybe I should write another letter to myself, for another 5 years away...who knows where I'll be. I think that's the beauty of it though, no one but God truely knows where I'll be, and while that scares me in some respects, it excites me so much more, because that means that I have the creator of the universe, the lover of my soul, as my guide...how could I ask for anything more? :)
Lots of Love
God Bless
Meaghan :)
~Romans 8:38~
That is so cool! What a cool idea to write a letter and read it years later... I wish I would have done that!
ReplyDeleteAmazing that you can record what God has done and the way your life has changed on paper and realize it by looking back!!!