Hey All,
I just want to point out that this is the quickest follow up post that I've had in a long time :) I like being able to post because it means a couple of things. Firstly, it means that I have something exciting to share, something that God has shown me throughout my day, my week, or something that I've FINALLY opened up my eyes to see about my life, that He's been trying to show me for so long. The second thing is two fold. Posting means that I have time. Away from school, stress and the busyness that can be life, to sit down and pour out my heart through this computer. This either happens because I actually do have a free afternoon (which I'll admit, is rare) or because I've made a choice, to quiet myself, my mind and my heart in the midst of everything, and just be. That is what today is. I am sitting at school inbetween classes, sipping tea and just enjoying taking some deep breaths :) So, what is the exciting thing that God showed me this week that I get to share with you????? :)
Every sunday night, I meet with a wonderful group of people my age to study God's word and learn more about Him. This began almost three years ago, and I have been so incredibly blessed by the amazing friends that I have made and the ways that they continue to support me and challenge me in my faith. This past sunday, we began a study on the beatitudes, which was amazingly encouraging. We went through the first few verses, but the one that I want to share with you is Matthew 5:6 - "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied"
The question was asked, "what does it mean to really hunger and thirst, what does it feel like?" This is part that got me thinking, because so many things came to mind;
- you are dry
- you are tired and drained
- you can thinking of nothing but quenching your thirst, satisfying the hunger
- that first sip of water, the first morsel of food, is amazingly satisfying
I started thinking about my own life, the times when I've neglected to really fill my day with Him, be satisfied by His word and His presence. When I get so busy that it get's put on the back burner, I can feel it. My spirit becomes dry, in my weakness, I try to take on this world alone, and I fail. The scary part is, that if I do this long enough, I begin to think that I don't need him. Just as someone who goes without food, eventually looses that feeling of "hunger". But replaces it is a feeling of emptiness, I hole that can be filled only by the food that you crave. It is here that I am so thankful that I serve a God of grace and second chances. For no matter how far we have strayed, no matter how long we have said "I can do this on my own, I can survive", when we turn back around and run home to Him, He is there, with His arms wide open. He is ready to quench our thirsty souls with His love and forgiveness and feed us with His word, revealing to us new truths and mercies every time we turn the page. May you be filled today, by the amazing God of the universe who loves you soooooooo much and is the only one who can fill that empty space; may we hunger and thirst for Him :)
Just in case I don't tell you enough... you are amazing!!