Good Morning All :)
So, my typical 8 am class was cancelled today, so I have some time on my hands before my day gets busy, and I thought I would check in :) This is seriously becoming a monthly thing, but I think that's alright, at least for now. So, a little catch up on life:
- school is almost done!!!! a couple more assignments and test to go, and then I'm home free :)
- summer is looking promising...planning meetings starting up for able church that should begin in september, and of course Camp Daniel is is the forseeable future which always brightens my spirits
- I am constantly encouraged and challenged by a God who loves me so much, even when I forget that He's so near to me
That last point is the one that's really been on my heart lately. I have really been getting caught up in the busyness of life over the past couple of months, letting stresses and worries consume, trying to do it on my own strength (and we all know how well that works :S) I have been feeling the dryness of spirit that comes from and inconsistent relationship with God and with a community that I do desperately need to remain focussed and encouraged in my journey.
It has been my experience though, that when I am at my lowest is when I can feel God's arms around me the tightest; when everything else seems to have fallen away and He truly is the only one I can turn to...and I fall at his feet. Now, when I think to hard about that, I get kind of embarassed. You see, that's exactly the kind of person I don't want to be, right? You know the kind of person who seems distant and silent until there's a problem, until there's a need for a shoulder to cry on...then they're calling out your name. I've been that person on many ocasions, but it's scary sometimes to think that that's how my relationship with God can be. I want to be able to come to Him with the good and the bad, and sit at his feet and listen, not just cry at His feet.
There is most definitely a balance, one that I am constantly trying to figure out and maintain. But, the most amazing part is this...while our earthly friendships may sometimes fade, His love for us never, EVER does! Regardless of how many times we fall at His feet, in tears again for the way that we've acted or what we've done, He hasn't turned away. He lifts our face, holds us close and whispers in our ear, "I love you...I created you...you are mine...come back to me again" My heart is just overflowing with joy as I write this guys! To have a heavenly Father like that, it's just....wow :)
To end off, I wanted to tell a story of sorts. I have a younger sister, still in highschool, who I have been so encouraged by over the past couple months. I see her growing in her faith, proclaiming it to others, and over flowing with love for those around her, both her friends and in the community. It has encouraged, challenged and strengthened me in my own walk with God and others in so many ways. This week she was involved with a missons project of sorts, serving those in our community and others as well. She posted a reflection of her week, and I wanted to share some of it with you, to encourage you as well:
So I urge you, never take for granted the life you have, and love like it is the only thing you've ever known. Freedom really is here, floating around as if it is invisible. I pray that our eyes be opened, that we don't settle for a life that comes nowhere near to the life God has planned for us. We so often become insensitive to the passion God wants to place in our hearts. We go to a conference, or event that stirs something in our hearts. But for how long? An hour? A week? This week, had the potential to truly change lives, and I pray that you don't let those experiences pass you by. Let your heart be broken. We CAN make a difference. We CAN change our hearts.
Love is what this world needs. After seeing the devastation of the community we live in, it became clear. People are searching for something, they just don't know what. Love is infectious. It is what we are called to do. And it is the cry of my heart that we may grad ahold of this, and never let it go.
Let your love be infectious this week. Let it spur you on to exclaim all that He has done for you to the world. Let us not be silent, let us run this race, and keep pushing on, and one day, finish well. Let us fall at the feet of our Saviour, in times of joy, saddness, triumph and pain...may we be children of light, and may that light never be extinguished!
God Bless
Meaghan :)
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