Hola :)
The sun is streaming through the windows today, a nice change from the rain that has been coming down hard the past few days :) It is my day off, and I am home just enjoying the quiet BUT I had some wonderfully exciting news to share :) I've talked before about the Able Church that I visited in Wisconsin last summer, and how I felt God asking me to start a similar ministry here at home. So...we are officially starting in September!!! And, this morning, I woke up to find not one, not two, but three e-mails from individuals who had seen the little blurb that was put in our church newsletter and wanted to know more :) It makes me so excited to hear from others that share the same passion that I do, and want to be involved :)
In keeping with the exciting aspects of today, I would like to move to another topic...tulips (ok, a bit of a stretch I know, but work with me for a sec). I love tulips. We have a lot of them in our neighbourhood, and just by going for a walk you experience so many amazing vibrant colors. They always seem to make me smile :) I noticed something this morning that I hadn't before. If you look at the stem of a tulip, it's very long and thin...and unstable. The reason that it stays straight is it's foundation; the soil packed firmly around it, and it's roots. It becomes evident how important this foundation is to the flower, once you pluck it from the ground. We have a couple in a vase in the kitchen, and simply placed in water, they bend over, unable to stand on their own. This can be a mirror of my life more often than I care to mention, and I found it to be true as I was trying to get Able Church up and running. In short, I was trying to do it on my own, trying to stand tall without His strength, bending under the pressure, and wilting because of the stresses and feelings of failure. I was ignoring my roots, my foundation, in an effort to get the job done...and it wasn't working. You see, ulimately, it's not my Able Church, it's His; it's not my life, it's His. I also realised how much I need to trust His timing as well, because I can get pretty impatient :P But even when I feel like things are moving at way too slow of a pace, He has a plan. That's what happened with a wonderful detour called Friendship Club :) It is more or less what I hope Able Church will be, and it really prepared me in ways that I never expected or thought I needed.
So, that brings me back to this morning, and getting so excited about reading those e-mails. I was really excited in part because of the support and interest from others. But the other part came from knowing that it's where I'm supposed to be, and it's in His time...isn't it awesome what God can teach you through a simple tulip? ;)
Lots of Love and Blessings :) <3
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