Hello all :)
Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are all having a splendid day, and that you've been able to take some time to be with family. It is an absolutely gorgeous day here and we have been taking full advantage of it :) So, in honour of mother's day, I thought I would dedicate this post to that wonderful lady in my life as well :)
It's amazing how much we take people for granted some times. In the simple, day to day things that are done for us every so quietly, all of the prayers that are said, all of the love that is given; and yet we so often discount it or pass it by. I am guilty of it way to often, even with the amazing woman that I am so blessed to call my mother.
She really is, you know :) For starters, is the fact that my mother...is a blogger. And not a wimpy blogger like me, this once every 2 months deal, oh no; she is a get up, get dressed, read her bible, grab some coffee and blog kinda person...every day...no exceptions! ;) I say it jokingly, but in all honesty, it's something that I really admire. The persistance and commitment, it's something that I could use more of in many area :P However, while her blogging schedule is definitely to be admired, it is when you begin to read her daily entries that you begin to understand my mum's heart. She has always had an amazingly beautiful and God-given gift with words. She can paint a picture in your head so vividly, it's like you're actually there, with pictures to compliment that would rival any photographer :) But, for me, what shines through the most in everything that she writes, is her faith. Whether it's her monday morning blog, a poem or letter for a friend, or another amazing children's book, she writes of her Saviours love, and all that He's done in her life. She writes of the joys and the sorrows and through it all, how He's been her rock.
I think I take that for granted too, having both a mum and dad who love the Lord. Knowing that through everything I have at least two people praying for me and even with me if I need. It also challenges me to see my mum's faith in God remain, even through the hard time. Trust me, there have been some hard times, and no one is perfect, but her centre has never shaken...her centre in Him.
So, here's to the most amazing mother in the world :) An amazing woman of God, with a heart as big as her blog(maybe even bigger) :) and who I know, loves me unconditionally <3
Love you tons! <3
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