Hey there wonderful people :)
So, it's a quick one today, my class got out early and I have some time, so I thougt I'd check in :) It's raining today. The weather seems to not be able to make up it's mind as of late...from summy weather that doesn't require a coat, to snow and slush to steady rain. I don't mind the rain so much, especially when it gets me thinking. However much we complain abou what the rain does, getting us wet, ruining hair, making that drive into school just a little bit slower, despite all of that, deep down we know that we still need it. It's time for winter's debris to be washed away and for spring to be here. It's time for the ground to begin to soften so that new life can begin to appear, and brighten up our world once again.
That's how it is with the trials in our lives. They suck, lets be honest. They cause us to question, to cry, to become angry and frustrated with who and where we are. But deep down, I know, and I hope you do too, that God is working on us during those times, walking right beside us, changing and moulding us, giving us yet another reason to rely fully and completely on Him...it is only when the rain stops and the sun comes out that we can begin to see where he has brought us, how our heart and life has changed and what new life is beginning to emerge.
I don't know where you are today, and I don't pretend to. Everyone has their own journey, their own struggles and their own joys. But one thing remains constant across all of it...God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and that is what gives me strength. Even in the middle of the storm, where you can't see how this could POSSIBLY be used for good, turn to Him, ask Him again today to be your strength, and lay all of it at His feet. He wants to be your rock, your Saviour, your friend who will never, ever go away...even when it rains.
Blessings <3
Meaghan :) <3
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